United States | A Day in the Life of an Insentra Delivery Manager

Beth Monroe - 23.02.202320230223

United States | A Day in the Life of an Insentra Delivery Manager

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A Day in the Life of an Insentra Delivery Manager

United States | A Day in the Life of an Insentra Delivery Manager

‘So, what is it exactly you do?’ I have lost count of the times over the last couple of years that I have been asked this question. Family and friends don’t seem to fully understand what a Delivery Manager is and neither did I before I started this role!  

My day typically starts between 8.30 and 8.45am depending on how many times I hit the snooze button (I’m not a morning person!) but once a week I’ll have a bright and early 7am call with my fellow Delivery Managers in Australia where we’ll go through any cross-regional resourcing, share tips and tricks for our PSA system and have a general catch-up. This call is usually followed by a global resourcing call with our Head of PMO, Delivery Managers and Heads of Professional Services. This is a chance for us all to share any resourcing constraints we’re facing and see if we can resolve them, as well as putting together a report for the leadership team so that they know where we’re struggling and where we have room for new projects. 

After that, it’s time to check any emails that have come in overnight and set myself up for the day, usually with a coffee break in between! My first call on most days is the EMEA team daily huddle, which is a great way to connect with the team and brings a sense of camaraderie, after all, it can get lonely working remotely! In these calls we ‘give our numbers’. This is a concept I hadn’t encountered before I joined Insentra, but I think it’s something all companies should adopt! The numbers range from a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest, and each person gives two numbers, for example 9/9. The first relates to how you are feeling personally, and the second is how you’re doing professionally. Anything 7 or under is a cause for concern, and although there is absolutely no pressure to explain why your personal numbers may be low, it helps the rest of the team to know that you might not be at your best if you have low numbers that day. If your professional number is low, we’ll try to work out how we can help and resolve any blockers. It’s Insentra policy to run through these numbers on any calls with 3 people or more, which is helpful as people’s numbers can change throughout the day. 

Working across the EMEA and US teams means my days are varied, but there’s rarely a day where I don’t have a catchup with at least one consultant. We’ve currently got eight PS consultants in the UK and nine in the US, and this number is constantly growing! Our US team has doubled in size in just a year, and that’s not just PS consultants. We also have Managed Service consultants, managers, team leads, project managers and contractors to add to the mix, although if I had weekly catchups with everyone on the team, I don’t think I’d have time for much else! 

Catchups with consultants are so I can make sure they’re comfortable with their workload, let them know if any new projects coming up and keep up to date with their skills. It’s also a chance for us to have a general chat, something I’m really grateful for as we don’t get to catch up in person as often as we would if we were working in an office.  

Another task that occurs every day is checking our utilization sheet. This is where I can see all the projects assigned to our consultants and how many hours are required of them each day and week. I can see here if they’re over allocated or if we need to find them some more work to fill their time. I have regular calls with the project managers in each region to lock in the allocations for the upcoming week and address any scheduling conflicts.  

Weekly occurrences are things like checking timesheets, which happens every Monday (mostly the teams are good at getting these in on time, but that doesn’t mean they don’t need chasing occasionally!) and keeping track of any projects that don’t have a Project Manager – this involves anything from checking in with the consultants on the status of the project to making sure we’re not nearing the budget to pulling reports for the partners and customers.  

Finally, on to the monthly task. Invoicing! Of course, a very crucial part of the business. On the last Thursday of every month, I will go through all of the Time & Materials projects and raise an invoice for any projects that have had hours logged against them in the previous month 

So, what are some of the more ad-hoc tasks? Well one of the most important items is monitoring the ‘Won Opps’ teams channel and setting up any new projects that come in and making sure they are assigned to the right people – if the projects aren’t set up and don’t have resources then they can’t get started! If the project doesn’t require a Project Manager, I will also get involved with Kick Offs and liaising between the sales and delivery teams in what we call an ‘S2D’ (Sales to Delivery). I also get involved with onboarding when we have a new starter, which usually involves making sure they know how to track their time and use our CRM, as well as connecting them with the right people who can get them off to a flying start and getting them comfortable with all things Insentra. If you join the UK or US Professional Services team, there’s a good chance I’ll be one of the first people you speak to! 

A day in the life of an Insentra Delivery Manager is filled with a variety of tasks ranging from resourcing and scheduling to invoicing and project management. From early morning calls with the team to regular check-ins with consultants, a Delivery Manager is responsible for ensuring projects run smoothly and efficiently. Utilization sheets, timesheets, and invoicing are just a few of the weekly and monthly tasks, while ad-hoc responsibilities include monitoring project opportunities and onboarding new team members. Want to learn more about what we do at Insentra? Contact us today! 

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Imagine a business which exists to help IT Partners & Vendors grow and thrive.

Insentra is a 100% channel business. This means we provide a range of Advisory, Professional and Managed IT services exclusively for and through our Partners.

Our #PartnerObsessed business model achieves powerful results for our Partners and their Clients with our crew’s deep expertise and specialised knowledge.

We love what we do and are driven by a relentless determination to deliver exceptional service excellence.

United States | A Day in the Life of an Insentra Delivery Manager

Insentra ISO 27001:2013 Certification

SYDNEY, WEDNESDAY 20TH APRIL 2022 – We are proud to announce that Insentra has achieved the  ISO 27001 Certification.