Updated as of January 17, 2022
Given the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its declaration by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a pandemic, Insentra is taking considered action to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of our crew, partners, clients, guests, suppliers, and contractors.
Insentra has implemented safeguards which meet official Government COVID-19 guidelines and taken additional steps to minimise the potential impact:
- We have stopped all international and domestic business travel until further notice.
- Insentra crew who have traveled overseas are requested to continue to isolate and/or work remotely for a period of 14 days.
- Insentra Crew who are a close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case are required to isolate themselves at home (other than for seeking medical care) and monitor their health for 7 days from the time of contact.
- Insentra has a business continuity management system in place to reduce the potential impact of a pandemic event on client work.
1. Visiting Insentra’s Offices
Insentra meetings or events with partners, clients, guests, suppliers, and contractors hosted by Insentra maybe hosted virtually, or in our offices adhering to COVID-19 health and safety standards.
As a guest to the Insentra offices, we ask you to please adhere to our Conditions of Entry.
You will be required to:
- Present vaccination certificate (via NSW Service App is preferred) demonstrating you are vaccinated against COVID19, or evidence of a negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) (within the last 24 hours), or a negative PCR test (within the past 72 hours).
- Sign in via QR Code App. You will find the QR code to Service NSW Check-In at the entrance to the office. This will record your details and time of entry for the purpose of contract tracing.
- Have your temperature taken and recorded. If your temperature is outside of the recommended range, you will not be permitted to enter the Insentra offices.
- Maintain hand hygiene by using hand sanitiser and washing hands regularly.
- Maintain respiratory hygiene, by ensuring you use a tissue if you sneeze/ cough.
- Wipe down any surfaces you touch, including but not limited to, workspaces (mouse, keyboard, desk, draws, etc.), door handles, fridge, coffee machine, meeting room tables
- Where possible, maintain physical distancing of 1.5 meters
- Adhere to meeting room etiquette, including wiping over and spraying down chairs.
- If you are sick with flu-like symptoms, we would ask for you to complete a COVID test prior to returning and advise us of the result. You will only be able to visit the office upon receipt of a negative result or medical clearance.
- If you become unwell within 4 days after visiting the Insentra offices, please notify us.
- Comply with any changes and updates to the current Public Health Order
We also ask you to not:
- Visit the offices without an invite from your preferred Insentra contact
- Do not come into the office if you are unwell in any way.
- Do not come into the office if you have:
- Are a close contact of a confirmed case
- Travelled overseas in the last 14 days
- Or, in isolation due to COVID19
- Do not use non-disposable cutlery/ crockery/ glassware
- Do not use a workspace not assigned to you
- Do not use hardware not assigned to you
- Do not leave items behind
2. Working with partners and clients to safeguard the health and safety of our people
Insentra requests our clients take their own measures, including vaccination, to respond to COVID-19, in accordance with official government COVID-19 guidelines.
If Insentra employees at client sites are concerned their host site is not taking reasonably practicable steps to proactively prevent the spread of COVID-19 so far as it is able, Insentra has directed our people to speak with their team leader or project director immediately.
If you are an organisation with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 and Insentra clients or people may be affected, we ask that you immediately contact your preferred Insentra contact or complete the below enquiry form. If Insentra employees are immune compromised, have specific medical advice, or have concerns about their health, or the health of their families, Insentra has directed these crew members to work remotely from home
As COVID-19 restrictions are gradually relaxed, some of our crew members may be able to visit clients and partners onsite. While restrictions are reduced, our commitment to the health and safety of our crew is not. Before our crew visit a partner or client site, it is preferable, if possible, for the crew member to complete the work remotely.
Where working remotely is not possible, we are requesting information explaining what the client/ partner site does to ensure the safety of visitors, including vaccination. This is typically outlined in the client/partner COVID-19 Response Policy.
The information includes:
- Are employees of the client who fit the requirements for isolating, doing so for 7 days? Is vaccination required for all employees, visitors, and contractors to client site? If not, what testing requirements are present?
- Defining what measures employees who have been ill (with COVID-19 or otherwise) are required to take
- Clarifying the process for notifying partners or 3rd parties should someone who has been on site test positive for COVID-19?
- What is the level of hygiene (e.g., handwashing stations) and is there is any personal protective equipment (e.g. gloves)?
- How often and to what level cleaning occurs?
- What is the maximum occupancy of the work area which Insentra crew will be working in? How is this enforced?
- Are alternative hours of visitation possible to avoid high volume times of day?
It is also important for Insentra crew who do visit partner or client sites to uphold the same standards we expect, and follow vaccination or testing protocols, hygiene, physical distancing, and any other safety protocols required. Insentra will not expect any person to visit an unsafe partner or client site, or if at all avoidable, ask vulnerable crew members, or crew members with vulnerable family members in the household, to visit client sites.
Contact Us
If there are any questions regarding Insentra’s Response to Covid-19, you may contact