United States | Ansible & Azure

Sebastian Baszcyj - 26.07.201820180726

Ansible & Azure

United States | Ansible & Azure

Recently, I have spent significant time trying to use ansible to deploy an azure configuration. There are plenty of websites which describe the individual steps but either I could not find the ONE that encompasses them all or there simply isn’t one. I found this utterly frustrating.

So, what did I learn? – To temper my frustration and to provide some sanity to all who got frustrated before me – I decided to create this friendly blog.

So… what is it about? – In short – below are all the steps required to prepare a machine from which you will be running ansible playbooks to create stuff in the Azure Cloud.

So, let us begin.

1. Prepare a new machine. Do not install ansible as the installation will be covered later. If you install ansible from rpm, it might collide with the python ‘pip’ installation which pulls the latest packages and in some cases the installation might fail as it will find some older packages and libraries which it will not be able to remove.

2. Log into your machine (RHEL or CentOS) as root (or use sudo if need be) and install python pip:

curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py

python get-pip.py

pip install kitchen

3. Install ansibe [azure]. This step will also install the latest version of Ansible, so installation of the ansible rpm is not necessary.

pip install ansible[azure]

if the pip is showing any incompatibilities, update the packages. For example:

adal 1.0.2 has requirement python-dateutil>=2.1.0, but you’ll have python-dateutil 
1.5 which is incompatible.

pip install -U python-dateutil

Cannot uninstall ‘pyOpenSSL’. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.

rpm -qa | grep -i pyopenssl
rpm -e –nodeps pyOpenSSL-0.13.1-3.el7.x86_64
pip install pyOpenSSL

4. Repeat the installation of ansible[azure]:

pip install ansible[azure]

5. The next step is to install the Azure CLI ‘AZ’ on your machine which will give you the way to query Azure for the specific information … and you can also use the AZ to create configuration in Azure. To install AZ on your machine:

# rpm –import https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc
# sh -c ‘echo -e “[azure-cli]nname=Azure CLI
ngpgkey=https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc” > 

# yum install azure-cli

6. Login using ‘az’. This process is simple. Type az login in your preferred console and you will be directed to the web portal where you will enter your azure credentials. az will cache them and that’s it. ?

az login

  • You can expect the following message:

Not able to launch a browser to login you in, falling back to device code…
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page https://microsoft.com/devicelogin and enter the code HPXE3CWK4 to authenticate.

  • Launch a browser, enter the URL provided in the message and authenticate using the code.

United States | Ansible & Azure

Once you click “Continue”, you will be taken to the portal.azure.com or login.microsoftonline.com. Authenticate using your azure credentials and … it’s done. Now you have the az superpowers. In the console you should expect something like:

               “cloudName”: “AzureCloud”,
                “id”: “e0254def-0000-00000-9743-54ed0fd77d58”,
                 “isDefault”: true,
                 “name”: “Pay-As-You-Go”,
                 “state”: “Enabled”,
                “tenantId”: “00000000-39c2-4f1f-0000-8642e83b92b1”,
                “user”: {
                “name”: “name@outlook.com”,
               “type”: “user”

7. It is now time to configure the credentials for ansible[azure]. More information about this can be found here: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/scenario_guides/guide_azure.html

Assuming you like to do everything from ‘root’, the credentials will be created for this user. If you do not assume superpowers, create the credentials file under the $HOME/.azure/credentials. ?

The credentials file has the following format:


The idea is to find all the elements identified in the credentials file. Microsoft or Ansible folks did not make it easy and none of the parameters specified in the file matches the name in the azure portal configuration.

Let’s start with the subscription_id. This is probably the easiest part to find, however requires some searching. ?

8. Log in to the portal.azure.com

9. Verify if you have rights to actually do anything with Ansible. To verify that, click on the ‘Azure Active Directory’:

United States | Ansible & Azure

10. In the Azure Active Directory, click on ‘User Settings’ and verify if you can select ‘Yes’ for ‘users can register applications’:

United States | Ansible & Azure

If you cannot select ‘Yes’, that means you do not have permissions and it is time for a little chat with your admin, unless you are ‘The One’.

11. When you are sorted, find the subscription_id and tenant_id for our credentials file. In one of the previous steps we installed ‘az’ on your machine and if you followed those steps to the letter, you should be already logged in. Now it is enough to run the following to get the required information:

az account list -otable –query ‘[].{subscriptionId: id, name: name, isDefault: 
isDefault, tenantId: tenantId, state: state, cloudName: cloudName}’

You can expect the following output:

SubscriptionId Name IsDefault TenantId State CloudName
e0254def-0000-00000-9743-54ed0fd77d58 Pay-As-You-Go True 7b5ba730-0000-0000-0000-8600e83b92b1 Enabled AzureCloud

12. Grab the SubscriptionId and TenantID and copy them to your credentials file.

13. The last step is to get client_id and secret… to do that, just use the following command:

az ad sp create-for-rbac –query ‘{“client_id”: appId, “secret”: password, 
“tenant”: tenant}’

          “client_id”: “1139aa32-0000-0000-0000-1230000850b7”,
          “secret”: “84655b60-0000-0000-0000-200007960000”,
           “tenant”: “7b5ba730-0000-0000-0000-8600e83b92b1”

14. Update your credentials file and we are ready to run some ansible.

15. The following are ansible playbooks that perform a few tasks. Firstly, I put all the variable into the variables section to easily modify the content. There are also a few other details that need to be addressed.

  • The inventory file is not necessary as ansible is using the local azure api to run all the modules. As a result, both hosts and connections are set to localhost and local respectively.
  • The playbook creates the following azure objects:
    • Resource Group
    • Vvirtual network
    • Ssubnet
    • Public IP
    • Ssecurity group
    • NIC
    • Load Balancer
    • Vvirtual machine
  • The playbook is using tags to create everything
  • The playbook is using tags to forcibly remove the entire resource group… so be careful what you remove. The playbook will not ask twice ?
  • If you do not specify any tags, all the tasks will be run, and the resource group will be removed at the end.
  • I added two playbooks below. The first playbook creates the configuration with the loadbalancer. Another one creates everything with the VM machine connected to the public IP, so you can log in using SSH from the outside
  • If you create the playbook, called playbook.yml and want to create something, run the following:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml –tags create

  • If you create the playbook, called playbook.yml and want to remove everything, run the following:

o If you create the playbook, called playbook.yml and want to remove everything, run the following:

Playbook with the loadbalancer:

– name: Create Azure VM

hosts: localhost

connection: local


– reg_grp: rg-austeast-web1

– reg_grp_location: australiaeast

– virt_net: vnet-web01

– virt_net_prefix: “”

– subnet_name: subnet-web1

– subnet_net_prefix: “”

– public_ip_name: pub-ip-web1

– sec_grp_name: nsg-web1

– virt_inst_size: Standard_D2s_v3

– vm_user_name: “your_username”

– vm_user_pass: “your_password”

– image_offer_name: CentOS

– image_publisher: OpenLogic

– image_sku: ‘7.5’

– virt_instance_name: azure-web1


– name: Create Resource Group


name: “{{ reg_grp }}”

location: “{{ reg_grp_location }}”


– create

– name: Create VNET


resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”

name: “{{ virt_net }}”

address_prefixes: “{{ virt_net_prefix }}”


– create

– name: Create subnet


resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”

name: “{{ subnet_name }}”

address_prefix: “{{ subnet_net_prefix }}”

virtual_network: “{{ virt_net }}”


– create

– name: Create Public IP


resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”

allocation_method: Static

name: “{{ public_ip_name }}”


– create

– name: Create NSG with rules


resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”

name: “{{ sec_grp_name }}”


– name: “{{ sec_grp_name }}-ssh”

protocol: Tcp

destination_port_range: 22

access: Allow

priority: 1000

direction: Inbound

– name: “{{ sec_grp_name }}-http”

protocol: Tcp

destination_port_range: 80

access: Allow

priority: 1001

direction: Inbound


– create

– name: Create a load balancer


name: “{{ reg_grp }}-lb1”

location: “{{ reg_grp_location }}”

resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”

#      public_ip: “{{ public_ip_name }}”

probe_protocol: Tcp

probe_port: 80

probe_interval: 10

probe_fail_count: 3

protocol: Tcp

load_distribution: Default

frontend_port: 80

backend_port: 8080

idle_timeout: 4

natpool_frontend_port_start: 1030

natpool_frontend_port_end: 1040

natpool_backend_port: 80

natpool_protocol: Tcp


– name: backendpool1


– name: frontendpool1

public_ip_address: “{{ public_ip_name }}”


– create

– name: Get facts for one load balancer


name: “{{ reg_grp }}-lb1”

resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”


– create

– createnic

– name: Create NIC


resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”

name: “{{ reg_grp }}-nic1”

virtual_network: “{{ virt_net }}”

subnet: “{{ subnet_name }}”

security_group: “{{ sec_grp_name }}”


– name: ipconfig1

load_balancer_backend_address_pools: “{{ azure_loadbalancers[0].properties.backendAddressPools[0].id }}”


– create

– createnic

– name: Create VM


resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”

name: “{{ virt_instance_name }}”

vm_size: “{{ virt_inst_size }}”

admin_username: “{{ vm_user_name }}”

admin_password: “{{ vm_user_pass }}”

ssh_password_enabled: true

network_interfaces: “{{ reg_grp }}-nic1”


offer: “{{ image_offer_name }}”

publisher: “{{ image_publisher }}”

sku: “{{ image_sku }}”

version: latest


– create

– createvm

– name: Delete a resource group


name: “{{ reg_grp }}”

state: absent

force: yes


– remove

Playbook with the VM connected to the public IP:

– name: Create Azure VM

hosts: localhost

connection: local


– reg_grp: rg-austeast-web1

– reg_grp_location: australiaeast

– virt_net: vnet-web01

– virt_net_prefix: “”

– subnet_name: subnet-web1

– subnet_net_prefix: “”

– public_ip_name: pub-ip-web1

– sec_grp_name: nsg-web1

– virt_inst_size: Standard_D2s_v3

– vm_user_name: your_user

– vm_user_pass: “your_password”

– image_offer_name: CentOS

– image_publisher: OpenLogic

– image_sku: ‘7.5’

– virt_instance_name: azure-web1


– name: Create Resource Group


name: “{{ reg_grp }}”

location: “{{ reg_grp_location }}”


– create

– name: Create VNET


resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”

name: “{{ virt_net }}”

address_prefixes: “{{ virt_net_prefix }}”


– create

– name: Create subnet


resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”

name: “{{ subnet_name }}”

address_prefix: “{{ subnet_net_prefix }}”

virtual_network: “{{ virt_net }}”


– create

– name: Create Public IP


resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”

allocation_method: Static

name: “{{ public_ip_name }}”


– create

– name: Create NSG with rules


resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”

name: “{{ sec_grp_name }}”


– name: “{{ sec_grp_name }}-ssh”

protocol: Tcp

destination_port_range: 22

access: Allow

priority: 1000

direction: Inbound

– name: “{{ sec_grp_name }}-http”

protocol: Tcp

destination_port_range: 80

access: Allow

priority: 1001

direction: Inbound


– create

– name: Create NIC


resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”

name: “{{ reg_grp }}-nic1”

virtual_network: “{{ virt_net }}”

subnet: “{{ subnet_name }}”

public_ip_name: “{{ public_ip_name }}”

security_group: “{{ sec_grp_name }}”


– create

– name: Create VM


resource_group: “{{ reg_grp }}”

name: “{{ virt_instance_name }}”

vm_size: “{{ virt_inst_size }}”

admin_username: “{{ vm_user_name }}”

admin_password: “{{ vm_user_pass }}”

ssh_password_enabled: true

network_interfaces: “{{ reg_grp }}-nic1”


offer: “{{ image_offer_name }}”

publisher: “{{ image_publisher }}”

sku: “{{ image_sku }}”

version: latest


– create

– createvm

– name: Delete a resource group


name: “{{ reg_grp }}”

state: absent

force: yes


– remove


United States | Ansible & Azure

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United States | Ansible & Azure

Insentra ISO 27001:2013 Certification

SYDNEY, WEDNESDAY 20TH APRIL 2022 – We are proud to announce that Insentra has achieved the  ISO 27001 Certification.