Centera Migrations

Centera Migration Service

Insentra migrates your EMC Centera data with ease.

Many organisations don’t fully understand the complicated architecture of Centera. With limited knowledge on how data is written or retrieved, most are left scratching their heads on how to migrate across or out of Centera devices once they have reached the end of their service life.

Migrate from your current Centera device to a newer generation Centera, or to an alternative storage platform (such as Atmos, VNX etc.), with unrivalled speed and precision when you deploy our Centera migration service.

Australia|Centera Migrations

Our partner’s applications, combined with our automated services methodology, enable the migration of large volumes of Centera data quickly. With limited disruption to your archiving and operational performance, our Centera migration service provides a complete audit trail throughout, thus keeping you compliant by maintaining your chain of custody requirements. Be assured that your original Centera data will never change during a migration with Insentra.

How We Get You There

Protect Your Data and Stay Compliant

Whether it’s adhering to strict industry regulations or following internal data retention policies, our automated Centera migration service ensures that you remain compliant on all fronts.

Be confident that your data will be protected from human error, corruption in transit or malicious deletion when you deploy our services. Our methodology, paired with our partners’ robust toolsets, ensures that your data is efficiently migrated into or out of your Centera archive platform.

Automate Your Centera Migration

Reach your new archive destination with unparalleled accuracy, speed and reliability. Like any project we undertake, we begin by listening to understand your project requirements as well as any other inter-dependencies or overarching business needs.

We then develop a migration road map with realistic and agreed milestones, keeping you informed every step of the way. Before we start migrating your data we gather, plan, confirm, test and re-test our proposed solution to ensure our recommended approach will provide you with the greatest outcome.

Got a question? Need support? You’re in the right place.

We’re here to help. Fill out your details and we’ll call you to get started.

If you’re waiting for a sign, this is it.

We’re a certified amazing place to work, with an incredible team and fascinating projects – and we’re ready for you to join us! Go through our simple application process. Once you’re done, we will be in touch shortly!

Who is Insentra?

Imagine a business which exists to help IT Partners & Vendors grow and thrive.

Insentra is a 100% channel business. This means we provide a range of Advisory, Professional and Managed IT services exclusively for and through our Partners.

Our #PartnerObsessed business model achieves powerful results for our Partners and their Clients with our crew’s deep expertise and specialised knowledge.

We love what we do and are driven by a relentless determination to deliver exceptional service excellence.

Australia|Centera Migrations

Insentra ISO 27001:2013 Certification

SYDNEY, WEDNESDAY 20TH APRIL 2022 – We are proud to announce that Insentra has achieved the  ISO 27001 Certification.