United Kingdom | Welcome to the December Insentragram - Catching Up This Holiday Season

Ronnie Altit - 10.12.201920191210

United Kingdom | Welcome to the December Insentragram - Catching Up This Holiday Season

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Welcome to the December Insentragram – Catching Up This Holiday Season

United Kingdom | Welcome to the December Insentragram - Catching Up This Holiday Season

Hi Everyone,

It’s been a big year for me both personally and professionally. This year I welcomed my new baby boy Austin.

United Kingdom | Welcome to the December Insentragram - Catching Up This Holiday Season

Our crew and I have been focused on building and enriching several aspects of our business including growth and investment in New Zealand, North America and the EMEA regions. At the same time, we have set a BHAG (big, hairy, audacious goal) of doing $110m in revenue by the end of 2024 which you might have seen in the ARN article. 

We have also engaged in an exciting new partnership with Torsion Information Security. Torsion’s offering delivers Secure Data Access Control, which helps organisation’s to manage the ‘Who has access to what’ data security issues in a world where data governance and compliance policies and procedures are increasingly under the microscope. We are thrilled to have them join the Insentra Train and you can read more about the offering on our website (you might spot something a bit different there too – more on this later!)  

Lee Foster, Head of Global Solutions (pictured above) has recently developed a new offering – Architect as a Service (​MapOne) which is getting significant interest from our Partners and their clientsIn a 2, 3- or 4-day engagement targeted at executives, this service facilitates business transformation and improvement by leveraging an architect focused on understanding the true business objectives of an organisation – not the technology. The outcome is a vendor agnostic success roadmap including timeframes and rough order of magnitude investments. Be sure to check out Lee’s 3-part blog and his interview on Insentra Insights to get a better understanding.  

Creating a positive workplace culture can be quite challenging for any business, big or small. But at Insentra we are always prioritising this and ensuring that our crew love coming to work everyday! With this in mind, I was lucky enough to be invited to speak with Clare Edwards, founder of BrainSmart on her podcast – Rawthentic Leadership where we discussed creating culture from scratch and how Insentra was founded on these beliefs. 

If you listened to the above podcast, you will know that we have always believed a happy crew makes for happy clients. This year we are proud to announce coming third in the 2019 Great Places to Work Australia survey, which is testament to the belief our crew have in us to continue to provide a fantastic working environmentHave a read of how one of our longer-serving crew members – Penny Theodoulou – feels about working for us in her blog called My years at Insentra – an Open Letter.  When I read this blog it literally made me cry because Penny’s experience exemplifies what I and our business aim to create for each crew member.  

We are excited to be attending the Citrix Summit again in January of next yearOur crew who will be attending are myself, Matt Kaplan, Gary Cohen, Craig Pringle, Jody Elkins, Tim Hayden and Simon AltitPlease reach out to us at any point if you would like to meet up or if you have any questions. 

2020 will also bring a big birthday for Insentra – we will turn 10!   

Finally, aligned to the refreshed design of Insentragram, we have also undertaken a complete refresh of our website, which I’m excited to share with you here. We are thrilled to have a platform that represents who we really are at Insentra – Partner Obsessed IT professionals who do what they love in the service of people who love what they do. 


Ronnie Altit
CEO Insentra

Hungry for more?

If you’re waiting for a sign, this is it.

We’re a certified amazing place to work, with an incredible team and fascinating projects – and we’re ready for you to join us! Go through our simple application process. Once you’re done, we will be in touch shortly!

Who is Insentra?

Imagine a business which exists to help IT Partners & Vendors grow and thrive.

Insentra is a 100% channel business. This means we provide a range of Advisory, Professional and Managed IT services exclusively for and through our Partners.

Our #PartnerObsessed business model achieves powerful results for our Partners and their Clients with our crew’s deep expertise and specialised knowledge.

We love what we do and are driven by a relentless determination to deliver exceptional service excellence.

United Kingdom | Welcome to the December Insentragram - Catching Up This Holiday Season

Insentra ISO 27001:2013 Certification

SYDNEY, WEDNESDAY 20TH APRIL 2022 – We are proud to announce that Insentra has achieved the  ISO 27001 Certification.