New Zealand | The Great Migration: Do's and Don'ts of Large Data Migrations

Simon Altit - 14.06.202420240614

The Great Migration: Do’s and Don’ts of Large Data Migrations

Insentra recently collaborated with Shield on a webinar about data migration, where we delve deep into the challenges and opportunities surrounding this crucial process.

The panel includes three experts in the migration space: Insentra Director of EMEA Simon Altit, Shield Regional Sales Manager Tom Rimmer and Reed Smith Partner Anthony Diana. This insightful discussion is moderated by Alex de Luceno, Director of Product Strategy at Shield.

In this webinar, we embarked on a journey to demystify data migration, exploring the fears and motivations that drive organisations to embrace or hesitate in the face of change. From the desperate scramble to modernise aging infrastructure to the brave leap into transformative technology, we uncovered the nuances of migration strategies and the regulatory considerations that shape them.

Watch the webinar now to navigate through the intricacies of successful digital communications data migration, including best practices, common pitfalls and how to leverage new technologies for a seamless transition.

If you’d like to learn more about large-scale data migrations, check out our Comprehensive Guide to Microsoft 365 Tenant Migrations eBook. Feel free to explore our MapTo Advisory Service if you need help navigating the strategic, planning and process blockers which make tenant to tenant migrations difficult.

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New Zealand | The Great Migration: Do's and Don'ts of Large Data Migrations

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Insentra is a 100% channel business. This means we provide a range of Advisory, Professional and Managed IT services exclusively for and through our Partners.

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New Zealand | The Great Migration: Do's and Don'ts of Large Data Migrations

Insentra ISO 27001:2013 Certification

SYDNEY, WEDNESDAY 20TH APRIL 2022 – We are proud to announce that Insentra has achieved the  ISO 27001 Certification.